I'd like to buy your books, but....

Daniel 2 1589



I'd like to buy your lesson books, but I am living in Canada, meaning I don's have a bank account in Korea nor any payable card accepted in Korea commercial sites where are selling your books.


 I am wondering if I can buy it directly from you as an pdf file or similar.


Please let me know.

냥냥7 2018.11.14 21:08  
켄지님, E-Book도 발간하셔야겠어요.
이로써 '글로벌 켄지'가 되시는 건가요?^^
켄지 2018.11.15 01:20  
아... 어떡하져. ㅋㅋㅋ 해외 강제 진출 ㅋㅋㅋ

Dear Daniel. I don't have an E-book. so, it will be difficult for you to buy this book. so sorry...
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